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Best Commute Ever

The conference I am currently attending is at ETH, the famous engineering school in Zurich. My hotel is not far away in a two-dimensional sense. I picked it some months ago by looking at a map and thinking that it was a short walk from campus. It’s a short flight to campus if you’re a bird; a straight line from the hotel to the school is very steep slope upwards.

Fortunately for me, this problem has existed for a long time and has been addressed with, one might say, precision and style. There is a funicular rail line that runs from right around the corner from the hotel to the edge of campus. So I ride upwards, diagonally, in the morning, and down diagonally in the evening. The lower station is inside a larger building. Here’s the entrance:

Here’s the track existing the rear uphill side of that building:

The view from inside the lower station:

A car departing:

And the view from the car heading up:
