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Doesn’t Look Like It

The caption for the circa 1920 photo above is “Snow Blocked Trolley.” I am no expert on street cars, but there’s almost no snow around this one. I suspect the snow is on the next block, beyond the two trucks. This is probably the aftermath of the storm of February 4 to 7, 1920, which had almost 18 inches of snow along with rain, freezing rain, and high winds.

On a related note, yesterday’s site visit some 60 miles up the Hudson: 13F (-10C), wind chill down to 2F (-17C), and the not-quite mile and a half walk from the train station had an elevation change of 630 feet, meaning that it was effectively a 1:11 ramp. The good news is that the walk was quite warming. The current cold spell is supposed to break in two or three days with a significant amount of snow, to which I say “hooray!”
